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Tmux is a terminal multiplexer which allows multiple terminals to be created within a single screen, as well as detaching the terminal and continuing to run it's tasks in the background (allowing you to reconnect later)


$ apt-get install tmux

Useful configuration

Allow mouse usage

Setting this allows you to use the mouse to navigate between different panes.

set -g mouse on

Fix escape time

When using vim within tmux, there's an issue where the escape time setting in tmux makes exiting insert mode in vim via the escape key slow to respond. This setting resolves that issue.

set -s escape-time 0

Rebind the command keys to match screen

By default, tmux uses Ctrl+b to issue commands. Screen, another terminal multiplexer, uses Ctrl+a. I originally used screen, so Ctrl+a feels normal to me and this configuration changes that.

unbind C-b
set -g prefix C-a
bind C-a send-prefix

Rebind pane management keys

I like using - for adding a vertical split, and | for adding a horizontal split, so these settings rebind the split keys to those.

unbind |
unbind %
unbind -
bind | split-window -h
bind - split-window -v

Moving with vi keys

Allows jumping between panes with Ctrl+a $VI_KEY

unbind h
unbind j
unbind k
unbind l
bind -r h select-pane -L
bind -r j select-pane -D
bind -r k select-pane -U
bind -r l select-pane -R

Initial pane setup

When working in the terminal, it's nice to have a large pane on top (for running an editor) with a couple of smaller panes underneath (for various command line tools, building, running tests, etc)

This alias, added to the ~/.bashrc file (or wherever is appropriate) will setup panes in that style just by using the command t.

alias t='tmux new-session \; split-window -v \; split-window -h \; resize-pane -D 8 \;'